Wednesday, April 1, 2015

4/1/2015 April Poem A Day Challenge

Aleathia says:

Today starts off the April Poem A Day Challenge at Writer's Digest!  I love this time of year because it gets me to write almost every day and push myself to be moving my pen.  Last year at this time I used this platform to help me get over my mother's death.  She would have been 58 this year.  Happy Birthday Mom.

Today's poem prompt is resistance.  Here is my stab at it:


I didn’t notice
the gray hairs
staging a resistance
on my scalp
until after
you died.

There they are—
white lightening
amongst the dirty
blonde strands
of my youth.

I got older
without realizing it
my life spent
being a little girl
grappling at your skirts
for a word
of encouragement;

for a sign
that I amounted
to more than
a collection
of cells fighting
an endless war.

I was never much
of a rebel, my guns
filled with truth
cold and quiet;
your hand a dictator
over my heart.

Aleathia Drehmer 2015

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