Thursday, January 11, 2018

Appalachian Trail Goals for 2019: White Mountains Here I Come!

Aleathia says:

This year my key word for myself is Open. Open heart, open mind, open to suggestions, opening doors, opening windows. Open everything. Does anyone understand how scary this is for a woman who can be outgoing, but really plays the cards close in every situation? It's like a panic attack having a panic attack.

A week or so ago a friend at work causally asked if I wanted to hike 280 miles of the Appalachian Trail this summer. I was like "uh, no". Because with that came so much opportunity to fail physically and mentally. I thought it was weird to be middle aged and overweight and be asked to take on a journey that in my current condition could not be done.  I went home and thought about it.

My father, after Vietnam, walked the entire Appalachian Trail. He has always been my hero. He was an outdoors man. He was always in a silent conversation with nature. He looked happiest in the woods or by the river. I feel this energy whenever I venture out into nature, but I still pull myself back into my shell of home. Maybe I am afraid of what I will find when I commune with the deepest parts of my life. It is hard to say. But being given the chance to walk part of the same trail my father did over 40 years ago is something I can't give up.

So, I committed to doing a different section of the trail in the summer of 2019 so I have time to train. We are doing 230 miles from New Hampshire to Vermont...the White Mountains. I thought cool.  I looked it up and it is one of the hardest parts of the trail, but with this challenge will come the best views and the best understanding of my human limits. I am a goal oriented type person. You give me a challenge and a time to beat it in and I will find a way to do it.  If you tell me it can't be done, I will put everything I have into proving you wrong. Sometimes that part of my personality is a pain in the ass, but it often propels me to new levels.

Last Saturday I started training. Rolling hill setting on the treadmill with inclines 3.5%-10%. As the weeks go on I will increase the level, the incline, and the time. This happens three days a week with a 4th cardio session of elliptical or rowing, bicycle, and treadmill at a higher speed. Two days a week are for weight lifting small weights for 20 reps for the first month and then I go to burnouts. There is one day off from this work out regime. Everyday there is yoga. In the future months, I may add Tai Chi and Boxing to be sure to mix up my muscle groups. In the spring, it will be time to hit the trails and start doing weighted backpack.

The trek will be 230 miles with serious elevation gains wearing a 60-70 pound pack. I feel a little crazy taking this on at 44, but I also feel stronger than I ever have in my life. This year is going to be the year I get my shit together. Being an independent woman is where I need to be. I might get buff in the process.

Thanks for reading.

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