Saturday, November 8, 2014

Quills and Frills-11/8/2014 November PAD Challenge

Aleathia says:

I have been distracted from this blog recently.  The dang holidays, work, conflicting schedules, and chores will really do that to a gal.  I am on the verge of completing a major project at work that has been slurping up most of my time and then my blogging world will get back to normal...well, as normal as we get around these parts.

I came home from a long night at work this morning and saw in my Facebook feed that it was day 8 of the November Poem A Day Challenge at Robert Lee Brewer's Writer's Digest page, Poetic Asides. I have to tell you that I have never met Robert Brewer but last November's challenge helped me overcome the death of my cousin, my aunt, and several other friends and co-workers.  His April challenge helped me mourn the death of my mother.  So how in heaven's name did I miss that it was November already?  I think I should refer to the first paragraph.

So if you see this man's face in your Facebook feed:

Click on the link and have a go at the prompt of the day and write a poem that you might not have written otherwise.  It takes some time to get used to writing from prompts, but after several challenges I find that it pulls from me a different perspective about the words I use and helps to open the mental field and encompass much more than my own private garden of thoughts.

The first 8 days prompts are as follows:

1. game over
2. together again
3. blanket
4. (two for tuesday) super hero and super heroine
5. "keep this_____"
6. happy now
7. compulsion
8. blind

When I don't officially participate in the challenge (ie post my poem to his comments at the website) I like to keep a list and cross off topics as the poems come to me.  Approach it however you like.  It is meant to foster creativity and to keep you writing.

I will leave you with my version of a "blanket" poem:


He covers my eyes
with a blanket
of his secret memories

it is thick
and soft
and warm

I suffocate
in the carbon
die   ox   ide
of my jealousy

such a life
such a heraldry
I could never
measure up to

I am
but a

Aleathia Drehmer 2014

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