Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quills and Frills-8/30/2014 Aleathia Drehmer, Poetry

Aleathia says:

Today was supposed to be writing prompt day but as the end of summer will have it....we didn't get our shit together.  Maybe next week!

Instead, I will leave a new and challenging poem that I just wrote.  It is rough still, maybe a bit raw, but it is all I have to give right now.

A Quiet Place to Hide

Three perfect lines
cut superficially through
the surface of her skin
in the dark light
of a tree house
far from home.

The knife is stolen, 
a secret, for now,
something innocent
at the time, something
hauntingly curious.

It begins this way.

Small lies, small thefts
and a way to balance
the things she can't
yet understand.

Life is difficult
in a changing girls body
               dysmorphic thoughts
   an aloneness she loves
                               and hates

She wants to see
what it is like
in the controlled chaos
in the place where she
has few secrets to keep.

I know I don't know her
just as my mother
did not know me.

I starved and binged myself
to hide and transform and feel alive.
Food was my blanket, my secret
in plain view, my sadness
that I had no place to deposit
but inside the pit
of my aching stomach.

I didn't dare share
these shadowy feelings
just as she doesn't share 
them with me.

This may be
the only thing
I understand
of my child;
the only thing
that truly scares me 
in the end.

Aleathia Drehmer 2014

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