Saturday, October 25, 2014

Quills and Frills-10/25/2014 Namaste Yoga

Aleathia says:

I have been going at this blog nearly six months with a post daily.  That is a break neck, whirlwind thing to do.  Recently with all the things going on in my life both at home and at work, it has been harder to keep that commitment.  I am generally an all or nothing sort of girl.  I either do something full throttle or shut it down.

Today I did yoga for the first time in 2 years.  There have been many excuses, but most of the time it has been laziness or the desire to curl up on the couch with Michael instead.  Who would pass up human connection for yoga?  At this time, Michael is working a lot and gone often.  This leaves empty spaces that for some reason I have a hard time filling except with work.  I have had a great lack of focus and  I have not been tending to the inner workings of my "soul".

I ordered my favorite yoga series the other day, Namaste, and after a grueling 30 minute aerobic exercise that had me running from attic to basement to find my yoga mat, I finally put the DVD in and got started.  Oh man.  There is nothing like the soothing series of plank, up dog, child's pose, cat lift, down dog, locust, cat lift, hero's pose.  Rinse and repeat.....many times.  I feel like a million bucks.  The Earth Series episode is my favorite and I will most likely be on this one for months while I try to limber up my muscles and stretch out all the stress and damage I have done in the last few years.

Which brings me back to this blog.  I'm not going to go break neck and post every day.  It leaves little time for anything else.  I think I have established a small following so now I will post when I have something to say.  My fellow compatriots will post when they have something to say as well.  Hopefully, we will fill in all the days, but if there are weeks when we don't , so be it.  Happy Weekend!

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