Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let's Go Somewhere-7/1/2014 Homer, Alaska

Aleathia says:

Years ago when I first moved to Seattle I got a job at a place called The Urban Bakery and Cafe.  I was hired to work the lunch counter as I had no skills making baked goods nor could I make a latte to save my soul.  On my first day behind the counter I was greeted by an amazing woman named Mikela.

She hugged me. What?  I came from small town Northeast America. We didn't hug. We sneered at people behind their backs and tried not to make eye contact.  I sort of thought she was weird, but as time when on she would become one of the most influential people of my life. She brought me out of my shell and her pure joy for living rubbed off on me. She introduced me to the world of food beyond my tiny menu, she introduced me to new music and people. She encouraged creativity. She changed my life and helped me learn to love myself.

In 1999 or 2000, life was changing and she was ready to leave Seattle. She thought of going to London, but changed her mind and went to Alaska instead. Ha. Just like her to do something crazy and off the wall like that.  She has been there ever since.

What does all of this have to do with travel? Well, I have always wanted to go to Alaska. The Kenai Peninsula looks pretty damn awesome. She lives at the very end of the peninsula near a town called Homer. I can tell you from all the pictures she posts that this is a happening community full of crazy creative people and food lovers. These folks aren't afraid to have fun.

If you are a skier and female, you should consider finding out when the Annual Ski for Women is and get your best costume together and party with these great ladies. If you like regular type skiing they have that too, but doesn't this look fun?  I don't even ski and I'd consider it. There is also hiking, kayaking, and boat rides to see wildlife.  You can go on a guided tour through the forest or learn about the coastal wildlife at the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies.

It seems like the lodge there is outrageous in price....$1,800 for three nights, so you would be best served to rough it and camp. Get the full Alaskan trip.  If your back truly can't handle sleeping on the ground there are some decently priced simple cabins from a place called Dandy Cabins and you can rent one for around $750 a week.

It seems Homer has a cultural landmark called the Salty Dawg Saloon.  It was an old trapper's hut where tourists can hoist beers with the locals.

But most importantly you have to stop by and see Mikela and Gabe at The Bagel Shop!!!

Mikela has always been passionate about food and we spent much of our friendship over the stove or investigating foods of the world, so it didn't surprise me when she and Gabe decided to open this bagel shop. They started out selling bagels in the farmer's market and would sell out in 2 hours. As time went on they made the idea for a shop a reality. If you are in Homer you HAVE TO GO THERE!  If you do, tell her Aleathia says Hi.

And eat one of these for me! (It's called "The Frenchie")

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