Friday, May 9, 2014

Art Bomb-5/9/2014 Instagram Cross Stitching Project

Aleathia says:

Ok.  I was hoping to get this particular project done before making this post, but I lost 2 precious nights of cross stitching thus, you get the unfinished example of this new adventure.

I started cross stitching years ago....10-12 years ago.  I did not use this craft for many years of that and recently started stitching in earnest again.  I have a lovely software program that allows me to take any photograph and turn it into a cross stitch pattern.

Here is my idea:

I am going to spend an entire year taking photographs from people's Instagram accounts who are following me and turn them into cute 4 inch by 4 inch replications.

Something like this will turn into something like this:

After the year is over, I will sew them all together to make one giant wall hanging, or a series of wall hangings.  If you would like to possibly have one of your Instagrams stitched into infamy then you can follow me at Instagram.  My username is: AleathiaD

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