Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lit Bits-5/7/2014 Russell Banks

Aleathia says:

Many years ago my estranged brother sent me a letter and told me that if I ever wanted to know who he really was then I would read a book called "Rule of the Bone" by Russell Banks.  I took the bait and read that book.  It touched me.  I felt connected to my brother a little bit more.  It touched me enough that I decided to write Russell Banks a letter and thank him for writing the book and giving my lost soul of a brother something he identified with and for giving me the opportunity to understand him a little better.  I didn't expect anything back.  He was a big name writer and most likely didn't have the time.  I wasn't sure he would even get the letter directly, but I needed to send it.

A few weeks after I sent the letter, there was a return letter in the mailbox from Russell Banks.  I opened the letter thinking it would be a form letter printed off by an assistant, but inside was a beautiful hand written letter from Mr. Banks himself.  I nearly cried.  I wasn't star struck by any means, but for that moment I felt important.  Somebody who had made it took the time to notice me as a reader.  He acknowledged me.

This incident changed my life as a writer because it taught me that no matter how big you get, you always started small.  Everyone needs encouragement.  Everyone needs a hand up in the world.  I sent the letter to my brother and he thought I was the coolest chick ever.  That felt nice too.

In the wake of that, I have been reading Russell Banks for years. It has been some years since I had cracked one open though and now I am reading "Affliction".  His writing is familiar.  It looks at harsh, quiet things in people and makes them tangible.  You believe they could happen to anyone.  You know each of his characters as someone in your own life.  You have met these people before; you have been these people.

I suggest you pick up any one of his books.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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